Our Elders

Rosedale is the result of a church plant around 55 years ago in the North Invercargill suburb of Hargest, with it's beginnings from a children's bible study.
You will now find us on the courner of Bourke and Exmouth Streets.
Our heritage is of Open Brethren roots and we are connected into the CCCNZ (Christian Community Churches New Zealand) church network.​

Having joined the elders group in 2019, my wife Diane and I are involved in the life of Rosedale Bible Chapel. We also volunteer with Christian Books Melanesia (Papua New Guinea).
As a trustee of Christian Community Churches of New Zealand our Brethren heritage churches have a wonderful opportunity to grow and learn alongside one another.
Having four children and 7 grandchildren they also keep us busy.
My giftedness is in serving, governance, assisting, hospitality and encouragement.

I’ve lived in Southland all my life and have fellowshipped and served at Rosedale Bible Chapel for over 40 years. I’m married to Hannah, we have 4 'young people' and I work for Scripture Union (SUNZ) as a Children and Families Consultant. I am passionate about helping churches form lifelong faith and helping people of all ages engage with God through the Bible and prayer.

Hi, my name is Turia Mitchell and I enjoy being part of the leadership team at RBC. My wife Jo and I have been blessed with moving to Invercargill in the early 2000s, with our two, now adult kids, who are now living in Christchurch. We have enjoyed being part of the RBC family since 2009 and love serving in the music, teaching, kids rally’s and prison ministries.

I am married to Raewyn and we have four children. I am heavily involved in the Southland farming community. I love meeting people and I have a passion for God's family, the Church.
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