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 Thursday Fellowship


Every second Thursday in the lounge at RBC

12.00 - 1.30pm

Bring your own lunch - tea, coffee and ice creams are provided

Have your lunch while enjoying  the company of others - followed by a time of singing and prayer

Everyone welcome

Check the calendar for dates



Enjoy fun and fellowship with other 'Senior' church members
See calendar or contact us below for upcoming events


Men's Prayer Breakfast

Last Saturday of each month

(for breakfast)

Weekly Prayer

7.30 - 8.30am

Prayer, discussion, fellowship and a good hearty breakfast

Please bring a donation to help with breakfast

Contact: Neville Knight, 027 220 3806

Home Groups


We believe that meeting in small groups alongside fellowshipping together on Sunday mornings is an essential part of growing our faith.

Various Home Groups happen at different times during the week to connect, learn, pray, support and grow accountability.  

Contact us below for more information.

Women's Ministry


Women's events (for high school age and up), take place once a term. This is a chance to fellowship with other females in an intergenerational setting. There is usually a theme for the evening which will involve a craft activity, devotion, supper and good conversation getting to know each other better and make new friends.

Contact: Anne Pask, 027 234 5037

Check out the calendar for upcoming events and dates.

Cnr Bourke St & Exmouth St 
212 Bourke St,
Invercargill 9810

Worship & Teaching:     Sunday 10:00AM




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